Wolf’s Milk Slime Mold

Although not a fungi, the Wolf’s Milk Slime Mold (Lycogala epidendrum) is commonly encountered while mushroom hunting in south Alabama. It can range in colors from a pinkish color to a dark brown, even becoming blackish in color with age. They range in size from 3-15 mm in diameter.

You may ask, is Lycogala epidendrum harmful? As far as I have researched, the answer is no. Also, if you come across some of this alien looking slime mold, press it. It should ooze a pinkish toothpaste like substance. That is why it is also known as the toothpaste slime mold.

Keep Exploring!

2018-10-01T08:25:39-05:00September 25th, 2018|Blog, Slime Molds, Wild Mushrooms In South Alabama|0 Comments

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