Destroying Angel Mushroom

One of the most deadly mushrooms, the destroying angel mushroom can be readily found here in south Alabama. From the genus Amanitaceae, the destroying angel mushroom (Amanita bisporigera) can easily be confused with similar looking mushrooms. Additionally, even seasoned mushroom hunters can easily misidentify this mushroom for harmless look-a-likes. As with all fungi, if  you are unsure of the species identification, don’t eat it.

Also, be sure to check out the additional posts below about mushroom hunting in south Alabama:

Mushroom Hunting In South Alabama

Ramaria formosa Mushroom

Violet Toothed Polypore

Turkey Tail Mushrooms

Cinnabar Chanterelle

Golden Chanterelle Mushroom

Crown Tipped Coral Mushroom

Two-Colored Bolete


2018-09-07T13:01:27-05:00September 6th, 2018|Blog, Wild Mushrooms In South Alabama|0 Comments

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