Gilled Mushrooms Of Southern Alabama

The gilled mushrooms of southern Alabama, can be found quite abundantly after a summer rain. The majority of mushrooms here in Alabama, do have gills. Furthermore, these mushrooms come in a wide variety. Many are edible, although some are poisonous. Also, some of the gilled mushrooms found in southern Alabama are hallucinogenic.

Gilled Mushroom Identification

There are many factors to consider while determining a gilled mushrooms identification. Here are a few to get you started.

Gilled Mushroom Identification

Gilled Mushroom Identification

  • Appearance-Does it appear old or young. Due to the fact that these mushrooms can change color and appearance as they age, make some field notes as to it’s condition and appearance.
  • Size-The gilled mushrooms of southern Alabama come in many sizes. They range in size from just a few mm to larger ones. Always measure the height, width, cap size and stalk length. These can be critical factors in identifying your great find.
  • Color-The gilled mushrooms come in a variety of colors. From beautiful, vibrant colors to dull earthy tones. Take pictures to capture it for later mushroom identification.
  • Is it veiled? This is another critical factor.
  • Where did you find it? You should take field notes for the following: the type of trees it is growing under and the substrate the mushroom is growing in.
  • Bruising-Does it bruise and if so, what color?
  • Take a spore print. This will aid in the identification tremendously.

As with all wild mushrooms, if your not sure about the identification of the mushroom, never consume it.

Hunting The Gilled Mushrooms Of Southern Alabama

The shear beauty of the gilled mushrooms of southern Alabama is one of the many reasons I continue to return to the woods in search of the next great find. You never know what to expect from a casual day of hunting for mushrooms. Therefore, it’s always an adventure. An adventure that can bring exciting and unexpected finds. So, take my advice, get out after the next summer rain, discover nature at it’s best. Never stop exploring!

Also, here’s some additional posts you may find of interest about mushroom hunting in south Alabama:

Lactarius indigo mushroom

Golden Chanterelle Mushroom

Cinnabar Chanterelle

Destroying Angel Mushroom


2018-09-26T13:32:52-05:00September 19th, 2018|Blog, Wild Mushrooms In South Alabama|0 Comments

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