Cinnabar Chanterelle

An edible mushroom,  the Cinnabar Chanterelle is a delightful find while out hunting for mushrooms. With vibrate orange to red colors, it is easy to spot. The Cinnabar Chanterelle, or Cantharellus cinnabarinus, is a member of the Cantharellaceae family. Finally and as always, if you are unsure of a mushrooms identification, don’t eat it. Happy mushroom hunting.

Additionally, be sure to check out the additional posts below about mushroom hunting in south Alabama:

Mushroom Hunting In South Alabama

Ramaria formosa Mushroom

Violet Toothed Polypore

Turkey Tail Mushrooms

Golden Chanterelle Mushroom

Destroying Angel Mushroom

Crown Tipped Coral Mushroom

Two-Colored Bolete


2018-09-07T12:59:11-05:00September 6th, 2018|Blog, Wild Mushrooms In South Alabama|0 Comments

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