Netted Stinkhorn: Phallus impudicus

I found this netted stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus) on the side of a trail while hunting mushrooms here in south Alabama. Another familiar name is the common stinkhorn. Consequently, it got it’s name from the netted effect that happens as it matures.

Another characteristic of this awesome stinkhorn is the fact that it emits a foul odor. While taking these photographs, the smell was pungent. Additionally, the foul smell from the netted stinkhorn mushroom could be detected a few feet away.

I will be searching for more of these incredible fungi in hopes of catching the net effect on a mature specimen. If so, I will update this post. By all means, if you like this post, leave a comment below.

Finally, you may like to check out the post Stinky Squid Stinkhorn: Pseudocolus fusiformis.


2018-10-10T08:20:04-05:00October 10th, 2018|Blog, Wild Mushrooms In South Alabama|0 Comments

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