Boletes Of Southern Alabama

Found quite abundantly, the boletes of southern Alabama can be discovered in many types. Although there are some gilled boletes, almost all boletes are a fleshy type of mushroom. Another key point is that most, but not all, boletes are edible. Of course, as with all mushrooms, never consume a mushroom without absolute correct identification. Most boletes are easily recognizable, even for the novice mushroom hunter. For these reasons, I have acquired a growing interest and passion for the fungal family boletaceae.

Southern Alabama Bolete Mushroom Identification

Bolete mushroom identification starts in the field. There are many factors to be considered other than the obvious characteristics such as color and size. In your field notes, record location and tree species involved. Additionally, take notes as to whether the species is single or occurs in groups or clusters. Does the bolete bruise easily? If so, what color change do you observe. Finally, a mushroom spore print can be critical in absolute bolete mushroom identification.

Hunting Boletes Of Southern Alabama

I have to admit, the boletes of southern Alabama are intriguing. Hunting boletes in south Alabama is a pleasure I look forward to after a summer rain. The shear beauty of the Boletaceae mushrooms are a lure for most mushroom hunters. Subsequently, I am always trying to find boletes while mushroom hunting in south Alabama.

Finally, this will be a series of posts about the boletes of southern Alabama. Be sure to check out the following posts:

Two-Colored Bolete

Strobilomyces strobilaceus-Old Man Of The Woods

Pineapple Bolete Mushroom

2018-09-26T13:34:11-05:00September 14th, 2018|Blog, Wild Mushrooms In South Alabama|0 Comments

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