Two-Colored Bolete

The Two-Colored Bolete (Baorangia bicolor) is a member of the Boletaceae family.  Additionally, Red And Yellow Bolete is another common name for the Baorangia bicolor. The Bolete are another one of my favorite types of mushroom. Many types of Bolete mushrooms can be found here in south Alabama. Finally, take notice of the Crowned Tipped Coral Mushroom growing in front of the Two-Colored Bolete in the first picture.

Also, you can check out additional posts about my experiences with mushroom hunting in south Alabama:

Strobilomyces strobilaceus-Old Man Of The Woods

Pineapple Bolete Mushroom

Boletes Of Southern Alabama

Mushroom Hunting In South Alabama

Ramaria formosa Mushroom

Violet Toothed Polypore

Turkey Tail Mushrooms

Cinnabar Chanterelle

Golden Chanterelle Mushroom

Destroying Angel Mushroom

Crown Tipped Coral Mushroom


2018-09-16T09:13:50-05:00September 7th, 2018|Blog, Wild Mushrooms In South Alabama|0 Comments

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